Monday, August 29, 2016


I have been trying to upload to upload this video for quite a while now. Internet connection in Cameroon very bad. I made the video short so it could upload. I will be adding more short vidoes to this subsequently.

Friday, June 24, 2016

GSoC.16 Mid-term Review

Finally, the first phase of the coding sprint for the 2016 Google Summer of Code has come and gone. Now is the time for mentors and students to begin submitting mid-term evaluations.

This blog post is a resume of my accomplishments from the time coding began till June 20, which when the midterm evaluation starts.

After 4 weeks of intense hard work, this is what I managed to achieve:

Week 1

  • Arrange meetings with mentors and MACC dev team to discuss test requirements.
  • Started creating a Test Plan for MACC.
  • Familiarize myself more with the code base

Week 2

  • Finish setting the baseline for an effective Automated Testing program i.e Had all necessary per-meetings
  • Start developing the test requirements that should serve as a blueprint for the entire Automated Testing effort

Week 3

  • Finish up with developing the Test Requirements Document for MACC
  • Wrote Test Script for verifying Broken Links
  • Wrote Test Script for verifying External Links
  • Wrote Test Script for verifying Internal Links
  • Wrote Test Script for verifying Broken Images

Week 4

  • Writing test scripts for;
    • Field validation
    • Error message for wrong input
    • Optional and Mandatory fields
  • Expanded the test coverage for the Database test suite
Looking forward to continue coding with Systers for the next six week.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

My Automated Testing Experience

Working with the Systers community as an automated sotfware tester, I recognize the importance of good testing practices and thorough test coverage for producing a quality software product.

One important thing I have learned so far with the concept of "Automated Testing" is that there are things that can only be tested manually more efficiently. This is because computers may work faster than human employees, but they are either slower to adjust to changes or require a significant amount of time and expense to develop.

With this fact established, it becomes obvious that the best strategy for ensuring quality is to develop a team with the skills and authority to implement a blended solution.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Verifying broken links using Selenium

Hi, I have started my coding sprint for the 2016 Google Summer of Code by writing a test script to check if all the links on the MACC application is working.

So basically I have achieved this task by verifying for broken links(i.e we need to check the link which is pointing to wrong URL or invalid URL).

 So if the link is pointing to a wrong or invalid URL, we get a 404 page not found error an issue in most web applications which is called Broken Link.

Below I have explain the implementation logic and my own approach:

First extract all links on the site as follows, List list=driver.findElement(By.tagName("a")); .

Then I use HttpURLConnection Class and getResponseCode method to verify the status of the response for each URL like so, 

public static int getResponseCode(String urlString) throws

MalformedURLException, IOException {

URL u = new URL(urlString);

HttpURLConnection huc = (HttpURLConnection) u.openConnection();



return huc.getResponseCode();


Next up, I will be doing thesame for the images. Cheers!

Sunday, May 22, 2016

GSoC'16 Community Bonding Period Round-Up

The GSoC'16 community bonding period has finally come to an end. It has been a very successful one for me. Especially because I was able to meet up with all I have plan to do during this period according to my project time-line.

  1. Bonding with assigned mentors (SURYADIP CHAKRABORTY and Kesha Shah) as well other members of the 2016 GSoC AUT team.
  2. Worked with the former GSoC contributor for the MACC test automation to setup development environment.
  3. Reviewed current test framework. That is understanding folder structure and layout.
  4. Published minutes for the first gsoc-aut-2016 team hangout.
  5. Following up with last year GSoC student to understand and map out project requirements based on what she defined at the end of the GSoC'15 as future work.(In progress)
  6. Exchanged emails with with GSoC'16 student for the MACC project. The purpose of the mail is to involve the MACC development team in developing the Test Plan.
  7. Made a couple of PRs on project related issues. 
  8. Follow up you-tube tutorials on Page object Model framework using Selenium and JAVA, Data Driven Framework Selenium Webdriver

My mentors and the entire Systers community has been particularly helpful in guiding me attain the project goals and objectives.

Haven faced some challenges at the start with setting up my local development environment, I finally got up to speed. With everything rightly in place now I look forward to start coding the summer away..

Thursday, May 12, 2016

GSoC'16 Community Bonding Period Overview - First Half

First, I will like to thank Systers, an Anita Borg Institute Community for giving me the opportunity to participate in Google Summer of Code 2016. Generally, I have been having a great time with the mentors and the other GSoC students of this organization.

My assigned project for this year's GSoC with Systers is to Extend the Test Automation for the Mobile App Control Center(MACC). Basically, the Mobile App Control Center consist of two sections;
  1. Mobile App Control Center - Malaria
  2. Mobile App Control Center - Peace Track

The 2015 GSoC student Daisy Nkweteyim laid down the ground work for this project, developing the test framework and some test harness for the Malaria section.

As of April 22, 2016 which is when the GSoC Community Bonding period began, I have been able to accomplish the following:
  1.  Bonding with assigned mentors (SURYADIP CHAKRABORTY and Kesha Shah) as well other members of the 2016 GSoC AUT team.
  2. Worked with the former GSoC contributor for the MACC test automation to setup development environment.
  3. Reviewed current test framework. That is understanding folder structure and layout.
  4. Published minutes for the first gsoc-aut-2016 team hangout.
  5. Following up with last year GSoC student to understand and map out project requirements based on what she defined at the end of the GSoC'15 as future work.(In progress)
I have faced some challenges in getting the code in the MACC Tests to run, which I'm working on with the help of the last year GSoC student to fixing the issue. But have successfully setup the Mobile App Control Center on my local machine.

As soon as I'm done with setting up, I will be detailing out the various test scenarios and test cases that will enable me to extend the test suite for Malaria section of the Mobile App Control Center.

Okay! I think I'm done here for now. Stay tune for more updates on my work progress in Google Summer of Code 2016.
