Friday, June 24, 2016

GSoC.16 Mid-term Review

Finally, the first phase of the coding sprint for the 2016 Google Summer of Code has come and gone. Now is the time for mentors and students to begin submitting mid-term evaluations.

This blog post is a resume of my accomplishments from the time coding began till June 20, which when the midterm evaluation starts.

After 4 weeks of intense hard work, this is what I managed to achieve:

Week 1

  • Arrange meetings with mentors and MACC dev team to discuss test requirements.
  • Started creating a Test Plan for MACC.
  • Familiarize myself more with the code base

Week 2

  • Finish setting the baseline for an effective Automated Testing program i.e Had all necessary per-meetings
  • Start developing the test requirements that should serve as a blueprint for the entire Automated Testing effort

Week 3

  • Finish up with developing the Test Requirements Document for MACC
  • Wrote Test Script for verifying Broken Links
  • Wrote Test Script for verifying External Links
  • Wrote Test Script for verifying Internal Links
  • Wrote Test Script for verifying Broken Images

Week 4

  • Writing test scripts for;
    • Field validation
    • Error message for wrong input
    • Optional and Mandatory fields
  • Expanded the test coverage for the Database test suite
Looking forward to continue coding with Systers for the next six week.

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