Finally, the first phase of the coding sprint for the 2016 Google Summer of Code has come and gone. Now is the time for mentors and students to begin submitting mid-term evaluations.
This blog post is a resume of my accomplishments from the time coding began till June 20, which when the midterm evaluation starts.
After 4 weeks of intense hard work, this is what I managed to achieve:
Week 1
- Arrange meetings with mentors and MACC dev team to discuss test requirements.
- Started creating a Test Plan for MACC.
- Familiarize myself more with the code base
Week 2
- Finish setting the baseline for an effective Automated Testing program i.e Had all necessary per-meetings
- Start developing the test requirements that should serve as a blueprint for the entire Automated Testing effort
Week 3
- Finish up with developing the Test Requirements Document for MACC
- Wrote Test Script for verifying Broken Links
- Wrote Test Script for verifying External Links
- Wrote Test Script for verifying Internal Links
- Wrote Test Script for verifying Broken Images
Week 4
- Writing test scripts for;
- Field validation
- Error message for wrong input
- Optional and Mandatory fields
- Expanded the test coverage for the Database test suite